
Spanish voice and accents for actors


As an actor or voice actor, being able to produce a major number of accents and having knowledge of different dialects of the Spanish language will make you a more marketable professional to clients who are seeking a larger range of voices for their productions. By participating in these coaching classes, you will be able to improve your diction in order to achieve a major number of authentic and natural sounding accents.

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neutral spanish


Spanish is spoken in 22 countries. For that reason, Neutral Spanish is needed to target a larger audience of Spanish speakers. Neutral Spanish, often referred to as Standard Spanish, is a variation of the language used to allow the majority of Spanish speakers to understand what is said while avoiding the use of local verbal tenses, terminology or slang. In the movie industry, comprehension and use of Neutral Spanish is a desirable skill. Actors (both new to the language and fluent speakers), as well as other professionals, are welcome to be a part of these classes focused on mastering the use of Neutral Spanish.

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script work and audition preparation


Have you been invited to an audition in Spanish? Do you need to prepare your character based on a second language and cultural perspective? I can help you. Bring your script and we will deeply analyze your character. Let’s find the necessary accent based on the type of Spanish required for your role and let´s get it in a natural, clear way. We will prepare your audition together and you will be ready to succeed.

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spanish FOR public speaking


Glossophobia is the fear of public speaking. Speaking or presenting in public can be a huge source of insecurity and anxiety. Doing it in a different language can make the experience seem even more daunting and overwhelming.

There are several techniques to make public speaking easier, but not all of them work for everybody. When speaking in public in a second language, there are many other factors related to cultural differences that need to be considered, especially when the speech is focused on presenting a script for a specific role.

Public speaking is a much needed skill. Communicating clearly and confidently is fundamental for both personal and professional life. And being able to do it in a second language is a highly desirable ability.

We can help you with your Spanish public speaking, no matter your level, age, and personal goals.

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